Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Leadership & Recommended Reading


I am often asked what Book I recommend to read.  I am finding myself buying books and downloading the Kindle version almost weekly.  I was always taught that you will never read to much... as long as it is something that has some kind of a positive effect on your life or the life of others.  I have always been intrigued with Authors that inspire me to become better at helping others, mostly by Leadership.  I believe that Leadership is an evolution.  It isn't something that is given, purchased, or inherited.  Leadership takes years of being a student.  I recently heard John C. Maxwell say that it takes 20 years for a person to really become a Great Leader.  That is 20 years of being a Student of Leadership... Not Just 20 Years Of Existing.  I remember my father telling me something similar when I was about 13 or 14 years old.  He said, "Chris, you have to become a Student and want to learn everything you can from those you wish to become more like.  Before wanting to be like anyone else, you must first want to become Christ Like.  Then, as you continue learning, you will one day have people that are looking up to you for Leadership.  You will become a person that people want to follow and learn from.  This will happen because you will be Leading by Example.  You will know when that time comes, and they will refer to you as a 'Leader'.  But always remember this... Leadership is an evolution.  You will have people follow you and believe in you, but you have to be careful.  You will not truly understand Leadership until you have years of experience... no matter who you know or what you read.  Experience comes from making many mistakes and learning from them.  Experience comes from Doing... Not Saying.  Start NOW... and someday, You Will Lead People On To Great Things."

There was much more to that talk, but it has stuck with me all my life.  I have made so many mistakes in business and in my personal life... but I have learned from them.  Being a Life-Long Student, I can honestly say that everything started coming together about the time I turned 40.  I then learned more from 40 to 42 than I did in the past 20 years.  You want to know what is really crazy?  I then learned more in just one short year than I had in the past 42!  Remember that like Life, Leadership is an evolution.  Someday I will tell you just what happened that changed my life so quickly, but that is another story in itself.

Here is why I tell you that story.  In all of the books I have read, one that I just finished sticks out more than most.  It is a compilation of Many Leaders, each giving you a page or two of their 'Best Stuff'!  I highly recommend that you get this book, buy it for the Leadership on your team and read a couple of pages every day... this will make a difference in your life... I promise!

Here it is:

End Malaria.  Yep, that's what it is called... End Malaria.  The book is $25 and $20 of that goes to helping end the deadly disease Malaria. Order it as soon as you can  and let me know what you think.  I want to read your comments.

Have a Wonderful and Blessed Day!

Chris Orf

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